3074 Government St, Ocean Springs, MS 39564
Local: 228-875-0703
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3074 Government St, Ocean Springs, MS 39564
Local: 228-875-0703
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Best Sellers by Flowers By Karen Inc

Search through the Best Sellers available here at Flowers By Karen Inc, the leading local florist in Ocean Springs. Order with us and get same-day flower delivery in Ocean Springs, MS and the surrounding area.

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Watermelon Crush Bouquet
Watermelon Crush Bouquet V5517 US 45.00
You're Precious Bouquet
You're Precious Bouquet YPB US 55.00
Sun-drenched Blooms Bouquet
Sun-drenched Blooms Bouquet V5519 US 45.00
Light of my Life Bouquet
Light of my Life Bouquet C5375 US 45.00
Regal Jewel Florist Original Bouquet
Regal Jewel Florist Original Bouquet J-6022 US 45.00
The FTD® Clear Skies Bouquet
The FTD® Clear Skies Bouquet NFG US 59.99
The FTD® Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet
The FTD® Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet B59 US 90.00
Amethyst Dreams Bouquet
Amethyst Dreams Bouquet V5518 US 45.00
Hello Sunshine Bouquet
Hello Sunshine Bouquet CGY US 45.99
Simple Charm Bouquet
Simple Charm Bouquet D27 US 49.99
You’re a Gem Bouquet
You’re a Gem Bouquet R5553 US 45.00
Truly Stunning Bouquet
Truly Stunning Bouquet TSB US 60.99

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